Catalog Import

Hyundai Catalog Import
The Hyundai item catalog, provided as a simple DAT file, must be periodically update/imported into the database schema xthyundai. The import is done by the ...
Fr, 26 Feb, 2021 um 10:24 VORMITTAGS
Nissan Catalog Import
The Hyundai item catalog, provided as a zipped file, must be periodically update/imported into the database schema xtnissan. The import is done by the follo...
Fr, 26 Feb, 2021 um 10:23 VORMITTAGS
FCA Catalog Import
The FCA item catalog, provided as a zipped file, must be periodically update/imported into the database schema xtfca. The import is done by the following st...
Di, 20 Apr, 2021 um 8:42 NACHMITTAGS